Brands We Represent


We bring the best truffles in the world. Fast and guaranteed quality. Always, since always.

Eyes closed, deep breath. Every time our truffles arrive at their destination, the emotion is always the same. The scent of truffle spreading in all its purity while the heart races. Our daily commitment is to make sure that every customer can recognize our quality from the first moment, in all its freshness, in all its scent.


From our vineyards to the bottle with no compromises. Organic balsamic vinegar of Modena, produced with 100% organic lambrusco and Trebbiano grapes and certified by controlling bodies, Feel the taste, only the real organic balsamic vinegar of Modena Italy.


The tast eof the authentic italian dairy tradition from generation to generation we pass on all the knowledge and the art of cheese making to preserve the best of the past and use the innovation of the future to offer a product with an unmistakable taste.

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